We often hear a lot about how Lack of sleep influence physical And Psychological healthHowever, excessive sleep can also lead to health problems. According to recent statistics from SingleCareMore than 50 million adults in the United States suffer from a sleep disorder – either too little sleep or too much sleep. The average adult needs anywhere from Seven to nine hours of sleep every night, so consistently getting anything less or more than that can put you at risk of developing a hangover Chronic health problems.
Here are the common causes of oversleeping and how you can get your sleep habits back on track. For more tips on getting a better rest, here you go The best foods for a better sleep And How do gaba supplements It may be a good alternative to melatonin.
Common causes of excessive sleep are tiredness
If you ask yourself, “Why do I sleep so much?” Know that there are many causes for excessive sleep. It could be due to pressureAnd My dietAnd jet lag Or another reason entirely. Here we will discuss why you sleep all day and how to combat it.
sleep disorder
sleep disorders such as insomniaAnd Sleep Apnea And restless leg syndrome are common causes for sleepless nights. When you don’t get enough rest at night, you may want to take a nap or try to make up for it with more hours of sleep during the day. With insomnia, you will experience episodes of not being able to sleep properly, which can sometimes be treated with things like Prescriptions or cognitive behavioral therapy.
Sleep apnea is a breathing condition that can often interrupt sleep Treated with different respirators Like a CPAP machine. Restless leg syndrome is exactly what it sounds like and can make it difficult to sleep soundly because you need to move your legs. This can also be treated with medications prescribed by your doctor.
jet lag
Jet lag throws your circadian rhythm out of action. This happens when you travel across time zones or have a daily routine that doesn’t match your normal routine The sleep-wake cycle. If you’ve ever traveled from the United States to Europe, you’ll probably have to take a few days off to get back to your regular sleep schedule.
during this The period of jet lagYou may find it difficult to fall asleep and experience other periods of sleep during the day. Ideally, if you can plan your travel for a day or two before you have to go back to work, this can help you smooth out your schedule, but your best bet is to force yourself to stay up during the day and go to bed at night. .
anxiety or stress
According to Harvard Health, it was stress and anxiety It is associated with a lack of sleep. Oftentimes, people who are anxious or stressed will have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Because of this disruption to a fixed sleep schedule, these people will sometimes find themselves sleeping too much as their body tries to make up for the lost sleep.
There are several ways to improve sleep if Anxiety and stress are the issues, primarily by improving your sleep habits. This means setting yourself up for success at bedtime by being creative Perfect sleeping conditions – Dark bedroom with a comfortable temperature and no screens. It may also be helpful to exercise earlier in the day to lessen fatigue and avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, and certain foods.
While you may have been told that Eating turkey on Thanksgiving makes you tired. Thanks to tryptophan, it’s probably in your head. While tryptophan can make you drowsy, tryptophan in turkey It doesn’t work that way because of the amino acids involved.
This does not mean that there is still a link between food and sleep, however: it is possible to try Excessive sleepiness after eating Large amounts of carbohydrates or protein, as these take time for the body to digest, and this work makes your system tired. You may also feel extra tired after eating a large meal for a similar reason. Instead, eat smaller meals (Not too close to bedtime) and don’t overindulge in problem foods like sugar or pasta.
Medical conditions
Many medical conditions can affect sleep, including depression, heart disease, and some types of cancer. research Some diseases have been linked to sleep because it affects your brain. Disruption in brain function can manifest in either too little sleep or too much sleep, depending on how your medical condition affects you. While it can be hard to pinpoint why you sleep so much, if it persists and you can’t figure out why, it could be one of those more serious concerns. If this is the case, it is important to see your doctor to discuss what may be going on.
a lot of Medicines can make you tired (some like it can cause insomnia). Those that can tire you out include antihistamines, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, proton pump inhibitors, and beta-blockers. While some of these medications are useful in their ability to induce sleep — such as a muscle relaxant or an antidepressant — others can disrupt your sleep schedule to the point of becoming a bigger problem. If you are currently taking a medication that is interfering with your sleep and causing you to sleep a lot, discuss with your doctor to see if there is a different medication that you can take.
Sergey Mironov / Getty Images
Generally, when you hurt yourself – If you break a bone or pull a muscle, for example – you may feel extra tired. That’s a good thing, though. Your body has to do a lot of hard work to heal, which can make you tired. This may also be exacerbated by the sedatives you may be taking, which often also induce sleep. On the flip side, there are times when an injury will disrupt your sleep because of the pain. There are not many ways to work through this other than making sure that The bed was set up comfortably Your doctor will determine a pain treatment plan that can help you rest at night.
The wrong mattress or pillows
Your mattress has a lot to do with your night’s sleep, and it’s important to find a mattress that works for your type of sleep. People who sleep on their backs need a different kind mattress And Pillow The setting is for those who sleep on their stomachs or sides.
Pillows and mattresses have different firmness levels, which you should choose based on your preferred sleeping positions. If you sleep on your stomach with a firm pillow, you may not sleep well because of the pain. The first step towards getting you set up properly is knowing what type of sleeper you are and setting up your bed accordingly.
Excessive drinking of alcohol or caffeine
You already know that caffeine can disrupt your sleep because it is a stimulant. If you have caffeine too late in the day, you may not be able to sleep well. This means that you may wake up groggy and ingest more caffeine, setting yourself up for an endless cycle of fatigue that can lead to excessive sleep. On the other hand, alcohol It might make you fall asleep Easily, but you probably are You will not sleep well (And I probably won’t wake up feeling great.) This interrupted sleep can also mean that you’ll sleep a lot later to make up for it. To avoid any of these issues, limit your caffeine and alcohol intake, especially late in the day.
sleep environment
Even if you’re someone who thinks they can sleep anywhere, it most likely won’t be a good night’s sleep. If you sleep in a bad sleep environment, you may get bad sleep, which means making up for it later and feeling tired until you fall asleep. a Good sleeping environment It is a dark, relaxing room with a comfortable temperature and no screens. You may sleep peacefully if you use a diffuser with lavender Essential oil or a white noise machine.
The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.
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