It’s easier than ever to get a hearing aid – instead of waiting for an exam and a prescription, you now have the option to buy one over the counter for treatment. Mild or moderate hearing loss. This means that hearing aids are also within the reach of the public Less expensive Generally. But there’s a lot to consider before you hit the trigger.
Here’s what’s available and where you can buy your over-the-counter hearing aid.
What type of hearing aid should I choose?
There are three earphone designs to choose from: behind-the-ear, in-ear, and in-canal.
behind the ear
Halfdark / VSTOP / Getty Images
The largest of the three devices rotate behind your ear like the tips of eyeglasses. This is best for people who are severely hard of hearing or who need a device that is sturdy, hard to lose, and easy to clean. However, they may get in the way of glasses or masks.
inside the ear
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
The most discreet hearing aid is inserted into your ear with volume control and battery within easy reach on the front. While this design is smaller in size, it is not recommended if you have a history of excess earwax. Also, some wearers notice that their voice resonates when they wear in-ear aids.
in the channel
Jonrup / Getty Images
The nearly invisible design places the earpiece directly into the canal. Only the pull thread used to remove the device can be seen coming out of the inner ear. Because of its location, this design is easy to keep dry from rain and snow, but similar to the in-ear design, it’s not recommended for people with excess earwax.
Sound amplification devices vs. hearing aids
Dr.. Lindsey Creed He is the co-director of Hearing Practices and a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. “Personal sound amplification products are unregulated devices intended to provide situational hearing improvement,” she says. They are not medical devices and are not intended for use by persons with hearing impairments. These devices are less complicated than many of the over-the-counter hearing aids we now see entering the market.
On the other hand, hearing aids are FDA-regulated medical devices that are designed to amplify sound for the wearer. These devices are recommended for those with age-related or self-perceived hearing loss.
How to buy hearing aids without a prescription
Buying over-the-counter hearing aids just got simpler. If you are interested in obtaining hearing aids at your local pharmacy, follow these steps:
1. Optional: Get a hearing test done by a professional.
2. Order hearing aids online or in a store.
3. Try it yourself at home.
4. Carefully select the maximum output (assistance by a doctor is recommended).
Where to buy a hearing aid without a prescription?
best buy
Over-the-counter hearing aids will soon be available at your local pharmacy, grocery store, some chain stores, and online. These include:
Best Buy AmazonCVSSam’s ClubTargetWalgreensWalmart
Check your local stores. Some brands are not yet available nationwide.
cost range
best buy He says the brands he carries cost anywhere from $200 to $3,000.Walmart Offers brands that cost between $199 and $999 per device.CVS It carries some brands that cost from $299 to $999 per device.
Several brands of over-the-counter hearing aids are available
The following devices will be available in stores and online:
Does insurance cover over-the-counter hearing aids?
Insurance coverage for over-the-counter hearing aids will be individual and plan specific. If an individual’s insurance plan has hearing aid benefits, they will determine whether or not they can apply to over-the-counter hearing aids. “Payment will be made on a case-by-case basis, and some companies may request a prescription from a provider even though they are out of stock,” Creed says.
People who do not have hearing aid coverage through their insurance may be able to use FSA funds.
Are over-the-counter hearing aids right for you?
If you are 18 or older with mild to moderate hearing loss, over-the-counter hearing aids may be right for you.
Although over-the-counter hearing aids do not require a medical evaluation, Creed says, “I caution consumers not to buy without seeing a professional first. The best practice or best care is to see an audiologist for your hearing levels. They will help you with make the best decision.”
How do you know if an over-the-counter hearing aid fits properly?
via muratdiniz/E+/Getty Images
Your hearing aids should adjust to the length and depth of your ear canal. The device should fit snugly against or in your ears. If you bend over or open and close your jaw, the device will not fall. It should be snug but not so tight that it’s uncomfortable. The wires of the devices behind the ear should lie flat against your skin. Finally, if you hear a beep, it may not be far enough. If this continues, you may have the wrong size of hearing aid.
However, it is best to consult an audiologist to see if a hearing aid is really suitable.
Features to look for
When deciding which device is best for you, pay attention to the special features.
battery life
You want hearing aids that last long enough to get through your day. Some brands have batteries that can last up to 16 hours, while others can go as high as 70 hours.
bluetooth connection
is similar to Apple AirPodsSome of the best hearing aids can connect to your phone. This way, you can listen to music or watch TV while on the go. Additionally, look for brands that come with their own apps. You will then be able to control your device via your phone.
Earwax filters
Excessive earwax can damage your device. Look for one that has filters, especially if you have excess earwax.
Whether the device is made over or in the ear, or designed to fit directly in the ear canal, you want to make sure it’s comfortable. Look for hearing aids that use soft “tips” (the part that goes into your ear) or other customizations, such as adjustable wires, to fit comfortably in your ears.
For example, Sony C10 self-fitting hearing aids They are made with soft ear tips and come in four sizes for small to large ears.
You’ll want to try your hearing aids at home; If they don’t fit, you will need to return them. Each brand’s return policy should be available on the packaging. Best return policy for 30 days or more.
Are there any risks with over-the-counter hearing aids?
Yes, as with any medical device, there are risks. If you don’t have a hearing test performed by a doctor before purchasing an OTC, you may not be prepared to use them properly. The maximum output on the devices may cause hearing loss if you don’t need a high level (your doctor can tell you the maximum output level via a test).
In addition, over-the-counter hearing aids may be dangerous for minors. Adds Creed, “I worry about kids getting them. The FDA doesn’t require ID for purchases. It says these devices won’t be locked up in stores and pharmacies, so in theory, anyone could get their hands on them. It could lead to Maximum output on these devices can lead to hearing loss in minors.
Over-the-counter hearing aids are not suitable for everyone. You may need to see a doctor or get a prescription.
Reasons you may need a prescription hearing aid include:
Hearing aids are too loud or too quiet You have a child who needs hearing aids This is the first time you use a hearing aid
See a doctor if you have a history or experience any of the following:
Excessive buildup of earwax, vertigo with hearing loss, hearing loss or ringing in only one ear, fluid, pus, or blood draining from your ear, pain or discomfort in one or both ears
Final thoughts
In general, the availability of over-the-counter hearing aids is great news for the everyday consumer. People with mild to moderate hearing loss no longer have to make an appointment with a doctor to get hearing aids.
“I applaud the partnership between Sony and audiologists. Sony has been very smart,” says Creed. Sony created one of the first over-the-counter hearing aids, with other tech companies following in its footsteps. It paved the way for a larger market.
While I feel overly positive about it [over-the-counter hearing aids]I warn consumers that although they are available without a prescription, it is still a good idea to check with an audiologist so that you know your hearing levels. They will make the best decision for you,” says Creed. From there, the medical professional can suggest a prescription or even over-the-counter hearing aid.
“Over-the-counter hearing aids will help with cost and accessibility. However, they will still be very expensive.” Creed hopes the cost will eventually come down, making over-the-counter hearing aids more affordable to the public.
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