Imagine a day when you might not need to pay a tax filing company, because the Internal Revenue Service offers the same electronic system for free. That day may be faster than you think. The IRS is working on its own system to allow US taxpayers to file their tax returns electronically and for free, The Washington Post reported Monday.
The pilot program will likely be used by a small group of taxpayers as early as January, according to the Post, citing three current and former agency officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The newspaper noted that government software, developed by the IRS and the US Digital Service, the White House technology advisory agency, could “disrupt” the $14.4 billion tax prep industry.
The IRS did not immediately respond to CNET’s request for comment.
This disorder is not entirely unexpected, and there is a complicated history. In 2019, Congress passed First Taxpayer Actin which the IRS agreed not to create its own system as long as tax filing firms like H&R Block and Intuit’s TurboTax provided free services to eligible taxpayers via the Free File Alliance.
But there was a problem with this plan. As of 2022, Intuit and H&R Block no longer participate in the Free Tax Assistance Program. And As we recently reportedTurboTax should pay $141 million to the nearly 4.4 million taxpayers who tried free tax software but were directed to paid products instead. So there was renewed interest in regime change.
the The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 It included a $15 million IRS investigation into the creation of the Direct Submission Program. A report on the matter is expected this week A new think tank in America.
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